Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Reading Journal #3

You Want Fries With That?

Add another to the string of superlatives wreathing the world’s greatest power: Americans are now the fattest people on earth. (Actually a handful of South Sea Islanders still outweigh us, but we’re gaining.) Six out of every 10 of us—and fully a quarter of our children—are now overweight. Just since 1970 the proportion of American children who are overweight has doubled, a rate of increase that suggests the fattening of America has a specific history as well as a biology.

My Response:

        The main point of the article is obviously about how Americans are some of the most "fattest people in the world." But its true. If more, and more fast food restaurants keep opening then americans going to be in some serious health dangers. When it comes to people and food they cant control themselves. The sad, but true part of the article i found was when it said: "six out of every 10 of us-- and fullya quarter of our children, are overweight now." this to me is sad, people should not be letting their kid be getting like that. It will go down in history that Americans are the fattest of people in the world.

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