Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Reading Journal #2

Our National Eating Disorder

Carbophobia, the most recent in the centurylong series of food fads to wash over the American table, seems to have finally crested, though not before sweeping away entire bakeries and pasta companies in its path, panicking potato breeders into redesigning the spud, crumbling whole doughnut empires and, at least to my way of thinking, ruining an untold number of meals.

My Response:
      Too me this article is "trashung" people who have eating disorders. Saying they ruined meals, and put copanies out of business because of their eating disorders. Now may it be harsh, i completly agree with what he/she is saying. The deatils to help you picture what eating disorders could really do if enough people did it, but it said that "its finally crested." But to get the main point out about an eating disorder he did it in a little bit of a crude manor but i suppose thats just his/her style of writing.

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