Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Reading Journal #3

You Want Fries With That?

Add another to the string of superlatives wreathing the world’s greatest power: Americans are now the fattest people on earth. (Actually a handful of South Sea Islanders still outweigh us, but we’re gaining.) Six out of every 10 of us—and fully a quarter of our children—are now overweight. Just since 1970 the proportion of American children who are overweight has doubled, a rate of increase that suggests the fattening of America has a specific history as well as a biology.

My Response:

        The main point of the article is obviously about how Americans are some of the most "fattest people in the world." But its true. If more, and more fast food restaurants keep opening then americans going to be in some serious health dangers. When it comes to people and food they cant control themselves. The sad, but true part of the article i found was when it said: "six out of every 10 of us-- and fullya quarter of our children, are overweight now." this to me is sad, people should not be letting their kid be getting like that. It will go down in history that Americans are the fattest of people in the world.

Reading Journal #2

Our National Eating Disorder

Carbophobia, the most recent in the centurylong series of food fads to wash over the American table, seems to have finally crested, though not before sweeping away entire bakeries and pasta companies in its path, panicking potato breeders into redesigning the spud, crumbling whole doughnut empires and, at least to my way of thinking, ruining an untold number of meals.

My Response:
      Too me this article is "trashung" people who have eating disorders. Saying they ruined meals, and put copanies out of business because of their eating disorders. Now may it be harsh, i completly agree with what he/she is saying. The deatils to help you picture what eating disorders could really do if enough people did it, but it said that "its finally crested." But to get the main point out about an eating disorder he did it in a little bit of a crude manor but i suppose thats just his/her style of writing.

Reading Journal #1

Attacks on the ‘Food Police'

So who are these “food police” we’re starting to hear so much about? The term has begun showing up in media accounts of campaigns to reform school lunch or in discussions of the food industry’s growing legion of critics in the media. It’s the “food police” who want to get soda out of the schools and who argue that fast food outlets should disclose nutritional information about what they sell. The “food police” supposedly want to take away your constitutional right to a Big Mac — or, at the very least, your right to enjoy a Big Mac with a clear conscience.

My Response:

          I understand where both parties are coming from in this article. Too much soda really can effect someone and that can cause major health issues with the school board. But their exaggeration that people wont be able to enjoy big mac's anymore to me is a bit much. No one, no matter how bad they think their systems work, they will never be able to control what people eat and dont eat. The main point about this article is just for the reader to know who the 'food police" are and what they are ''supposildy'' here to do.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Memoir Rough Draft

                                                                              Coffee Cake Queen
Eating it when it first comes out of the oven is an extraordinary experience. The steam rises, omitting a delightful aroma that will make any mouth water. The gooey pools of cinnamon and brown sugar sit atop a moist, firm cake. Sliding a knife through the warm cake in order to retrieve a piece from the center; which is the most delectable part, is a much anticipated moment. Placing a piece in the mouth and feeling its soft yet crunchy texture as well as its sweet and spicy flavors, creates a wonderful feeling of love and joy. Eating it with tall glass of ice cold milk makes the cake even more enjoyable.

               As far back as I can remember my mother had always made coffee cake on snow days. My mother would get up early and make the family coffee cake for breakfast. So as a child I remember waking up to the smell of the sweet, spicy treat and knowing that there was no school that day. This would automatically create a feeling of over-joy that I could play outside in the snow all day. My mom would make batches and batches of coffee cakes this made the whole house’s aroma smell of sweet sugar and cinnamon. All day I would call her the coffee cake queen sometimes we would play around and we wore dress up crowns. I would be her coffee cake princess.

            I remember running downstairs in my pajamas to grab a piece of coffee cake, but the piece would have to be out of the center since that is where the cinnamon and sugar collected into puddles of sweet heaven. The coffee cake next to the edge of the pan was too crunchy for me so I always left those pieces for my dad, he’d eat anything. I would put my center piece of coffee cake on a small plate, pour myself a glass of milk and run into the living room to watch weekday cartoons. I remember always having to race my dad into the living room to get the god couch where the clicker was so I could pick the shows we would watch.
Every time I beat him, I knew he let me win; that’s my dad and i love him. As I grabbed the remote and scanned through the channels I could see my dad staring at me because he knew I’m going to choose something he doesn’t like. Rugrats, I would choose, he would shake his head and leave the room. I would be eating my coffee cake eating it like a little mouse piece, by piece. Giggling out loud because I was child, obviously I thought everything they said or did was funny. I loved snow days when I was little, that day my mom would always make the best treats, I could be in my pajamas all day, drink hot chocolate and watch Rugrats.
 After a nice day of playing in the snow hearing my mom’s light delicate voice yell out, “Chelsea, time to come in for some hot chocolate.” I’d tell my friend I have to go and that I would see them later. Running towards the door falling because my boots keep getting caught in the high snow, getting to the door and taking off all my wet snow clothes as my mom pours me my hot chocolate. She puts it on the table, as it sits there with nothing around it. I can smell the warm sweetness of the chocolate as I go over to grab the cup but it’s too hot, I blow on it a little and notice the marshmallows floating on top, pretending there boats on the ocean going through a terrible chocolate storm. Everyone had a crazy imagination when they were children.
                To this day I still have dreams of my mom’s old coffee cake, she doesn’t make it anymore. Sadly she has moved on to bigger and better things. Although she tries to make some fancy treats now-a-days, it’s always good to try something new. But nothing will ever be the same as that coffee cake.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Theme - Food
Memoir Brainstorming
Moms Cooking.

My moms cooking has always been the best, especially when she bakes.
- monkey bread
- double choclate cake
- ham and cheese puff pastry

My moms the type of person that loves to make everything out of scratch because she likes putting all the ingredients together. She wont buy food already cooked she wants to buy all the ingredients and do it herself. Shes a cray person when it comes to foods, shes always making something different.

She sasy the two most important kitchen utensits are attached to your arms.
My mom balances work, me, my dad, zumba, and cooking very well. i feel bad somethimes because she does seem overwhelmed. im not afraid to help her out in the kitchen.

The smells of her food if let so people could get to the would cause riots
Whenever she makes moneky bread ( which is a dough in butter, cinnomon, and sugar) and brings it to a family party my cousin Isaac tries to steal it. its always gone in under 10 minutes.

"Killing Chickens"

Three details from "Killing Chickens" i found effective to me in this reading were,
  • "Two down. I feel powerful, capable. I can handle whatever comes to me."
  • We frost the cake blue, Ben’s favorite color, and put it on the table next to their presents for me, wrapped in wallpaper. I want to call someone, to call my mother or my sister. Instead, I bring in three loads of wood and put them in the empty wood box.
  • Tomorrow morning, I think, I have to turn over the garden and go to the dump. Tomorrow morning, I have to call a lawyer. I have to figure out what to say to Alex and Benjamin. I have to put Ben’s sculpture on the mantel, and put some mail in Alex’s holder on the desk. I have to clean out the coop and spread fresh shavings.
The main point to me in this essay was that she had to step out of her comfort zone to do something she has never done before. Because her and her husband were getting a divorce she was going to have to do it sooner or later.

The Writer used an awful lot of details and i really liked that. i was reading the story at first and was like " this is going to be about killing chickens?" butt when i kept on readin the way she portrayed why she was doing it and then deatils of how just struck my mind and made the story so much more intresting. The style is really just every detail of what shes doingt to an exact point.

Monday, February 13, 2012

As Thinking Made Visible

(My hometown was a wonderful (or choose your own adjective) place to grow up.)
My hometown was such a magestic place for me and my siblings to play, experience life and grow up.

(Laci had a rather eccentric style.)
Laci had a style that even madona couldnt touch bright colors, didnt care what anyone thought.

(Mr. Brown is the worst teacher I’ve ever had.)
Mr Brown came into school with the greasiest hair, glasses with duct tape around them, and looking like he slept in the clothes he wears. He is not my Favorite teacher.

(The room seemed very institutional.)
The room seemed very cold and dreary, the concreate walls didnt give it much of a homey feel.


       My opinion on this ad, for it being one of the firsts wendy's ads is its original. It breaks off into Sections showing you their famous meals. They tell you what the item is and then underneath they state one quatlity each food has. The fact that it is in black and white doesnt help getting people attention right away. The wendy's logo sure does tho. Wendy's never has the same advertisments they are always coming up with new things and ideas. For advertisements its good to have a variety to show off your product.

          This advertisment obviously catches your eye, doesn't it? but now lets all get real this is never how they look when you actually order them, do they? This advertisment has color and actually frames a picture of "daves hot n' juicy cheeseburgers" Also this advertisment has alittle fill in the blank. in some of their commercial ad's they say wheres the beef? on this Ad it says heres the beef. i think that they have clever ideas and help you put them together. "oh thats the burger they were talking about."

       The placement of this burger on the page just gets your tastebus going, well mine atleast. wendys has alwasy been a favorite of mine but what really bothers me is the false advertisemnt. thats really how it is with every type of fast food/ take out place. but the deatil they have on this burger such as the colors of the food, the placement and what i noticed was some water dew on the tomato that just makes it look fresh. I would love to order a burger from the drive thru and actually get something that looks like this.

       Whats also pretty great about wendys is they relate to all age groups. All commercials they do they have a range of different age, gender, and ethnicity. which not alot of people try to do. what i think is important to them is just making their product well know and having it look good.

Monday, February 6, 2012


The theme i would most likely like to write about would be Foods. This topic really catches my intrest.  An essay topic i would use would be Fatty Foods in America. Is Obescity starting to become an academic? Some studes do say America one which obescity is at an increase. Higher than most.

Two alternatives i would chose would be technology. Is technology to "over used"? Second, Sports. In the High school population, does playing sports make you popular? Some of these topics intrest me aswell.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Forget about Recess

          I think this article is about awarness. Everyone needs a break now an then. I Also think its about Ms.Parker taking advantage of these children during their supposed "recess." More like boot camp. Its true what they say that recess lets children "daydream, solve problmes, use their imagination to create their own games, and be free to choose what they choose to do." But on the other hand they said "the more supervision the better." I disgaree. this article is about two different opinions. One for recess and one opppising it. Thinking that it is taking away their "readiness to learn"

Hyper link Test

"Forget About Recess"

Writers Autobiography


     Reading is a semi strong point i have, i am usually a good reader and i like to take notes as im reading if i really need to remember a certain something i didnt think i could rememeber. but mostly i am an intrest reader other than school i dont not read books im not intrested in. I like reading horror storties, crimes books, drama, and mysteries. i like reading where i have to guess whats going to happen next. im just addicted to suspense, i guess.

      Im a paper and pen type of person. Doing all these things on the computer is just not one of my strong points. ive always liked poetry more than any other type of writing. When i was in middle school we had a poetry reading and read our portfolios of poems. its not just the rhyming its that it catches more peoples eye, gets their mind going and think about what i am reading and how it relates to them. other types of writing i like are writings that have to do with a personal/life experience. something that happen to me or some friends. Because when people are reading it, it can also relate to them or something that happened to them in the past or even recently. the stories you can tell or talk about from just that one writing. the memories it would bring. I would really like to imporve on my writing skills. Maybe i can write my own mystery someday.